Posted 29 Nov 2017
Hello all,
Below see some supportive resources for those who may be lost in their grief. As you know, it comes in many forms and hits people in different ways (and for varying periods of time), so I think it’s important for people to get all of the support they can in times of difficulty.
Anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one knows how difficult that loss can be. For children, it can be even more difficult. Grasping the concept of mortality is tough enough for them.
There are plenty of ways, however, to guide a child through the pain of losing someone or something special. Quite often it can be just as therapeutic for the adults as it is the children.
In addition, many adults find that with aging and infirm loved ones, they are faced with decisions and instances they’ve never encountered before, on top of handling the likely death of a parent or close relative. All of this can be quite a bit for the entire family to bear.
In order to alleviate some of the stress children and families might endure, I’ve put together a list of resources that can benefit everyone.
The above list was compiled was Jennifer Scott. Some of the legal content may apply in other jurisdictions and may not be relevant in Ireland. Thank you Jennifer for sharing these resources with us here at the Children’s Grief Centre.