Posted 24 May 2018
Children’s Grief Centre have decided to launch a School’s Art Competition today which will invite submissions from children aged 4 to 11+ to include Junior Infants Class to Sixth Class. Primary School teachers will collect the art work, completed during school hours or at home, to be submitted by deadline date of Friday 30th November. Just put the child’s name, age, category, school name, teacher’s name and signature of teacher, parent or guardian.
Competition will run in tandem with the NATIONAL CHILDREN’S BEREAVEMENT WEEK – NOVEMBER 19TH – 25TH.
We are trying to raise awareness of our support service and to raise valuable funds so that we can continue to meet the growing demand for services for grieving children in the Mid-West.
Art is such a powerful means for children to express their feelings, thoughts and emotions. In our work at the Children’s Grief Centre it is particularly important that children who are experiencing a loss have opportunity to express themselves through the different mediums of art.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: Completed artwork should be returned to the Children’s Grief Centre by Friday 30th November, 2018.
ART THEME: SOMEONE SPECIAL – a child can draw, paint, write a story or poem about someone special in their lives.
COST PER ENTRY: 2 euro – all funds raised going directly to the Children’s Grief Centre
Make sure you put the following information on back of your Entry:
Child’s Name, Age, Category
School Name:
Teacher’s Name:
Signature of Teacher, Parent or Guardian:
We will have a special prize giving ceremony in Limerick City Library on Saturday 8th December at 3 p.m. Our judges for this competition are Olive Foley (our Ambassador), Helen Culhane (Director of the Children’s Grief Centre) and a special guest judge to be confirmed.
If you think this is something your school would be happy to participate in, please contact Katrina at 087 9851733 or by email We look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your participation.
read more below